Source: All of the contents in Mandarin including image.,%E4%B8%80%E8%88%AC%E4%BC%9A%E5%81%9A%E7%9A%84%E5%88%B0%E3%80%82

Author / 作者:《原知胃美颜枣/长寿果》

Translated to English by: Mandarinwow

Material, in pdf file:

中国的南方人和北方人究竟有什么区别?/ What is the difference between southerners and northerners in China?

答案 / Answer:

南北分界线 / North-south boundary

很多人搞不懂南方和北方究竟以什么为界限,这条线就是秦岭——淮河。它主要是依据历史人文和自然地理条件划分的,这条线很精确,中国的旱作水田分界线、亚热带与暖温带分界线、1月平均气温0°C等温线等几乎都跟它重合,虽然只有一线之隔,但是两地自然环境大不相同,橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳,两岸的风俗和习惯迥异。= Many people do not understand what the limit is between the South and the North. This line is the Qinling-Huaihe River. It is mainly divided according to historical, cultural and natural geographical conditions. This line is very precise. China’s dry farming paddy field boundary, subtropical and warm-temperate boundary, and January average temperature 0°C isotherm almost all coincide with it. Although there is only a line of separation, the natural environments of the two places are quite different. Oranges are grown in Huainan for oranges, and those born in Huaibei are oranges. The customs and habits of the two sides are very different.

More detail, may see the pdf file above.