
今天的天气怎么样 中国一年有四个季节:春天、夏天、秋天和冬天。春天很暖和,夏天很热,秋天很凉快,冬天很冷。现在是春天,天气很好,不冷也不热。 Source: 《汉语》. (2007). Vol.3. 暨南大学出版社 . 中国. 广州. 华文. (小学版).(第三册)/ 北京华文学院编. --- 广州暨南大学出版社, 2019. e4bb8ae5a4a9e79a84e5a4a9e6b094e6808ee4b988e6a0b7Download https://youtube.com/shorts/zbHDBm8emoY?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/zbHDBm8emoY?feature=share

Four conjunctions和、与、以及and而且

Let's compare the usage of these four conjunctions in Mandarin Chinese: 和 (hé):Meaning: "and"Usage:Connects nouns, noun phrases, or complete sentences to indicate addition or similarity.It's used to join two or more similar elements together.Example: 我喜欢喝茶和咖啡。(Wǒ xǐhuān hē chá hé kāfēi.) - "I like to drink tea and coffee." 与 (yǔ):Meaning: "and" (formal usage), "with"Usage:More formal … Continue reading Four conjunctions和、与、以及and而且

Conjunction in Mandarin

连词 在中文里,连词的功能与英语和其他语言相同:它们连接单词、短语或从句,形成连贯的句子。连词对表达句子中不同部分之间的关系至关重要。它们可以表示时间、因果关系、对比、条件、目的等等。以下是一些常见的普通话连词以及它们的功能: In Mandarin Chinese, conjunctions serve the same purpose as they do in English and other languages: they connect words, phrases, or clauses to form coherent sentences. Conjunctions are essential for expressing relationships between different parts of a sentence. They can indicate time, cause and effect, contrast, condition, purpose, and more. Here are some … Continue reading Conjunction in Mandarin

Transportation tools in Mandarin

交通工具 transportation-tools-in-mandarinDownload transportation-tools-in-mandarinDownload sentences-follow-the-structure-sverbtransport-toolsDownload conversation-about-transport-tools-in-mandarinDownload zi03268213330958a4Download Games in Wordwall: https://wordwall.net/resource/70706667 https://wordwall.net/resource/70706667 https://wordwall.net/resource/70706894 https://wordwall.net/resource/70706894 https://wordwall.net/resource/70707094 https://wordwall.net/resource/70707094 公交车自行车出租车地铁摩托车火车飞机船电动车坐 骑乘坐 搭驾划步行 e4ba91e5ad97e5b896-e5858de8b4b9e7b1b3e5ad97e6a0bce5ad97e5b896Download g2-please-arrange-these-words-to-the-correct-sentencesDownload e4baa4e9809ae5b7a5e585b7e28094e28094e7bb83e4b9a0Download https://www.chinese-tools.com/learn/chinese/24-means-of-transportation.html

Vocabulary about time in Mandarin

g4-vocabulary-about-timeDownload g4-vocabulary-about-timeDownload g4-vocabulary-about-time_e4ba91e5ad97e5b896-e5858de8b4b9e7b1b3e5ad97e6a0bce5ad97e5b896Download vocabulary-about-timeDownload exercise-about-timeDownload https://www.visnos.com/demos/clock "二点半" 和 "两点半" 在中文中都可以使用,它们都表示时间的概念,只是使用的场合略有不同。"二点半" 更为口语化,而 "两点半" 则更正式一些。所以,你可以根据对话或者场合的需要选择使用哪一个。/ "二点半" and "两点半" can both be used in Chinese, and they both represent the concept of time, but they are used in slightly different contexts. "二点半" is more colloquial, while "两点半" is a bit more formal. So, you can choose which one … Continue reading Vocabulary about time in Mandarin

G3 Unit 5 vocabulary about modal verbs

能愿动词 = modal verbs 能愿动词是指现代汉语中的一种用以表达可能、意愿、必要的动词,又被称为情态动词或助动词。 注意:情态动词是普通语言学中对世界各地语言中这一类动词的总的称呼;也可以特指某一语言中的情态动词。 能愿动词则是汉语中的情态动词的特别称呼。 Modal verbs / Voluntary verb refers to a verb in modern Chinese that is used to express possibility, intention, and necessity. It is also called a modal verb or an auxiliary verb. Note: Modal verbs are the general name for this type of verbs in languages ​​around the … Continue reading G3 Unit 5 vocabulary about modal verbs

Art in Chinese calligraphy

《探索中国书法之美》 中国书法是一种很棒的艺术,它是用特别的笔和墨水写的。每一笔每一划都是有意义的。中国书法不仅很美,而且可以帮助我们感觉到很多不同的情绪,就像在画画一样。 学习中国书法可以让我们变得更聪明,更有创造力。它还可以帮助我们放松,就像在做一场有趣的游戏一样。但是,有时候我们可能会觉得学习书法有点难,但只要我们勇敢地尝试,一定能够做得很好。 虽然有时候学习书法可能会让我们觉得有点挑战,但是我们不要放弃。因为学习书法可以让我们更加了解中国文化,还可以让我们的心灵更加平静。所以,让我们一起努力学习中国书法,感受它带给我们的美好! Title: "Exploring the Beauty of Chinese Calligraphy" Chinese Calligraphy is a wonderful art, created using special brushes and ink. Every stroke carries meaning. It's not just beautiful; it also helps us feel various emotions, much like painting. Learning Chinese Calligraphy makes us smarter and more creative. It's also relaxing, like playing … Continue reading Art in Chinese calligraphy

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