你听到了什么声音?[Nǐ tīng dàole shénme shēngyīn?]

Conversations: Structure: A: 你听到了什么声音?[Nǐ tīng dàole shénme shēngyīn?] = What sound do you hear ? B: 我听到了 【动物】的声音。【Wǒ tīng dàole [dòngwù] de shēngyīn.】 = I hear the [animal] sound. Examples: A: 你听到了什么声音?[Nǐ tīng dàole shén me shēng yīn?] = What sound do you hear ? B: 我 听 到 了 猫 的 声 音。【Wǒ tīng dào le … Continue reading 你听到了什么声音?[Nǐ tīng dàole shénme shēngyīn?]

Point of compass (Directions) / Mata angin / 指南针方向

File in pdf : https://drive.google.com/file/d/14rISr90RMfEJihaBvLRqVzecG83ZCmWW/view?usp=sharing Grammar about 虽然。。。但是 。。。 【Suī rán… Dàn shì…】 pdf file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16vC_EbB4mUGfPafCeKOP87kkMH34FWWr/view?usp=sharing Home work for Grade 5A & 5B : Please make 5 sentences by using 虽然 。。。 但是 。。。 by using the words on A4 size paper. WORD LIST / DICTIONARY: If need word list, please see this link: Word … Continue reading Point of compass (Directions) / Mata angin / 指南针方向

文化符号话中国 —— 十大神话 / Cultural Symbols Talking about China —— Ten Chinese fairy tales)

Source: 亦可文化 广州 | 插画师 《文化符号话中国——十大神话》 https://www.zcool.com.cn/u/1462114 All of the images are really attracting the readers to read. It is really amazing. All the best praise for the author and creator. Languages are all in Mandarin. For detailed, please visit the respective website of the creator 亦可文化 广州 | 插画师 《文化符号话中国——十大神话》 https://www.zcool.com.cn/u/1462114 https://www.zcool.com.cn/work/ZNDQ1NTUzODQ=.html https://m.zcool.com.cn/work/ZNDQ1OTE2MzY=.html https://m.zcool.com.cn/work/ZNDQ1OTA0OTI=.html https://m.zcool.com.cn/work/ZNDQ1OTQyODA=.html https://m.zcool.com.cn/work/ZNDQ1ODk5OTY=.html https://m.zcool.com.cn/work/ZNDQ1OTUyNjA=.html https://m.zcool.com.cn/work/ZNDQ1MzQ4NDQ=.htmlContinue reading 文化符号话中国 —— 十大神话 / Cultural Symbols Talking about China —— Ten Chinese fairy tales)

Apps for learning Mandarin (Android playstore)

Data collected by Mandarinwow Children Note 初级 means "beginner" ,中级 means "intermediate",高级 means "advanced" For detailed explanation about the games, please click each link of apps below: Chinese Writer Function: Learn how to write thousands of Chinese characters - it's educational, entertaining and addictive! Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.molatra.chinesewriterlite 汉字笔顺常用中文3500个汉字的笔顺【初级,中级,高级】 Functions: Learn about writing, pinyin, bihua, bishun, etc. … Continue reading Apps for learning Mandarin (Android playstore)

New HSK (2021)

Sources: http://www.chinesetest.cn/gonewcontent.do?id=45111059The New HSK (2021): An Overview and What’s Changed (digmandarin.com)https://ltl-school.com/new-hsk/#wordlistcomplete with download and explanation: https://pandarin.net/new-hsk/ Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK), or Chinese Proficiency Test, is a test program organized and conducted worldwide by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation. It is a standardized Chinese proficiency test designed for non-native speakers, providing certification of various … Continue reading New HSK (2021)