Why write Chinese Character ?

Source: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180122005970/en/Train-Your-Brain-Learn-Chinese-Characters January 22, 2018 09:05 AM Eastern Standard Time HONG KONG--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, students around the world are increasingly interested in learning Chinese. Some are drawn by the pull of a foreign culture or the challenges of a new language; others see Chinese language skills as a way to unlock a world of opportunities in … Continue reading Why write Chinese Character ?

G5 Topic_Indonesia

Dear all, We are going to learn the topic about Indonesia, in reading text. Students will be able to read and listen smoothly about Indonesia in Mandarin. Materials : Reading: Reading text in pdf : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y5V1Or2BBF6cfNvBDgHU1kgW6d6C0hyJ/view?usp=sharingReading text in Mp3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p_uvAXhmNuj1JmnHEnAX3zVlQX7RQuOc/view?usp=sharingRead the Vocabulary : https://drive.google.com/file/d/16sP4a4SMAOcTxkrfoGQ_X7E3wni24_r2/view?usp=sharing Listening: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RT2bodhFHhoC0PejNReca8ynCQnKUYRl/view?usp=sharing

The Origin of B.C. and A.D (公元前 与 公元的来源)

Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%85%AC%E5%85%83 历史公元纪年起源于基督教的影响。公元525年,基督教神学家狄奥尼修斯·伊希格斯建议将耶稣生年定为纪元元年,以取代当时罗马教廷所采用的「戴克里先历」(以迫害基督徒著称的罗马皇帝戴克里先登基之年,即公元284年做为元年,俗称「殉教纪元」,Era of Martyrs)。伊希格斯并推算耶稣是生于古罗马建国后754年,但后来的历史学家发现他的计算可能有误,耶稣并非出生于公元1年;现在一般以耶稣诞生在约公元前7年至前4年左右的说法最可靠(大希律王卒于公元前4年)。 HistoryThe Christian era originated from the influence of Christianity. In 525 AD, Christian theologian Dionysius Isiggs suggested that Jesus’ birth year should be the first year of the epoch, to replace the "Diocletian Calendar" used by the Holy See at the time (Rome, known for its persecution of Christians). The … Continue reading The Origin of B.C. and A.D (公元前 与 公元的来源)

Taiji Quan (太极拳)

https://youtu.be/M2axy98vJJQ https://youtu.be/M2axy98vJJQ 太极拳 (中国武术中的拳法) 编辑 讨论28 上传视频 太极拳,国家级非物质文化遗产, [1-3] 是以中国传统儒、道哲学中的太极、阴阳辩证理念为核心思想,集颐养性情、强身健体、技击对抗等多种功能为一体,结合易学的阴阳五行之变化,中医经络学,古代的导引术和吐纳术形成的一种内外兼修、柔和、缓慢、轻灵、刚柔相济的中国传统拳术。1949年后,被国家体委统一改编作为强身健体之体操运动、表演、体育比赛用途。中国改革开放后,部分还原本来面貌;从而再分为比武用的太极拳、体操运动用的太极操和太极推手。传统太极拳门派众多,常见的太极拳流派有陈式、杨式、武式、吴式、孙式、和式等派别,各派既有传承关系,相互借鉴,也各有自己的特点,呈百花齐放之态。由于太极拳是近代形成的拳种,流派众多,群众基础广泛,因此是中国武术拳种中非常具有生命力的一支。 [4]2020年12月,联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会第15届常会将“太极拳”项目列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。 [5] Translation: Taijiquan (Fisting in Chinese martial arts) edit discussion 28 upload video Tai Chi, a national intangible cultural heritage, [1-3] is based on the traditional Chinese Confucian and Taoist philosophy, Tai Chi, yin and yang dialectical concepts as its core ideas, and integrates … Continue reading Taiji Quan (太极拳)

G3_Reading; the use of 不 and 没

Reading; the use of 不 and 没 Reading is about the hobbyGrammar : the use of 不 and 没 Learning material and drill: pdf file : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D5PYwNN3ttaKU0yrG2T5rPGICBxpp0z4/view?usp=sharing Conclusion: From these, we can conclude that to say “no”, to negate the verb in present and future tense, and to negate the adjective, we add “Bù 不” … Continue reading G3_Reading; the use of 不 and 没

G1 Listening assessment practice

Dear all, We are going to do the practice of listening in Mandarin about these topics, my family : https://drive.google.com/file/d/122JBiDkjnYhm9_VIDkFXt8iz3iCPBN51/view?usp=sharingnumber 0 - 20 : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1O_YTN8XaxrBUq6buee1X3pfTCF7xGRk-/view?usp=sharing G1 Listening assessment practice The PPT file is in this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G4T70_Cl1aMTUm1rqLMzgIXgXHePvzyH/view?usp=sharing https://youtu.be/wWY2vNEOVbI