中国的南方人和北方人究竟有什么区别?/ What is the difference between southerners and northerners in China?

Source: All of the contents in Mandarin including image.,%E4%B8%80%E8%88%AC%E4%BC%9A%E5%81%9A%E7%9A%84%E5%88%B0%E3%80%82 Author / 作者:《原知胃美颜枣/长寿果》 Translated to English by: Mandarinwow Material, in pdf file: 中国的南方人和北方人究竟有什么区别?/ What is the difference between southerners and northerners in China? 答案 / Answer: 南北分界线 / North-south boundary 很多人搞不懂南方和北方究竟以什么为界限,这条线就是秦岭——淮河。它主要是依据历史人文和自然地理条件划分的,这条线很精确,中国的旱作水田分界线、亚热带与暖温带分界线、1月平均气温0°C等温线等几乎都跟它重合,虽然只有一线之隔,但是两地自然环境大不相同,橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳,两岸的风俗和习惯迥异。= Many people do not understand what the limit is between the South and … Continue reading 中国的南方人和北方人究竟有什么区别?/ What is the difference between southerners and northerners in China?

The Cradle of Chinese Civilization-the Yellow River and the Yangtze River中國文明的搖籃——黃河與長江

The Cradle of Chinese Civilization-the Yellow River and the Yangtze River 中國文明的搖籃——黃河與長江 Source: Author / 作者: 张伟然教授 Upload date / 上载日期: 2019年11月04日 Translated to English by: Mandarinwow 早期的人类文明都诞生于大河流域,尤其是大河带来的冲积平原上。两河(底格里斯河、幼发拉底河)流域、尼罗河流域、印度河流域,以及中国的黄河、长江流域,孕育了人类历史早期的四大文明。 Early human civilizations were born in large river basins, especially on alluvial plains brought by large rivers. The basins of the two rivers (Tigris and Euphrates), … Continue reading The Cradle of Chinese Civilization-the Yellow River and the Yangtze River中國文明的搖籃——黃河與長江

中国相声 / Chinese cross talk

中国相声 【Zhōng guó xiàng sheng】/ Chinese cross talk Xiangsheng (simplified Chinese: 相声; traditional Chinese: 相聲; pinyin: Xiàngsheng; lit. 'face and voice'), also known as crosstalk or comic dialogue,[2] is a traditional performing art in Chinese comedy, and one of the most popular elements in Chinese culture. It is typically performed as a dialogue between two … Continue reading 中国相声 / Chinese cross talk