最多笔画的汉字 = The hanzi with the most stroke counts

Source : http://www.021diao.com/article/zui50376.html

  1. 高达172画的汉字 / Up to 172 strokes Chinese character.


This character is pronounced huang (second tone). It has 172 strokes. As shown in the picture above, this character is the character with the most strokes in the world. Because this character is relatively rare, it cannot be typed out by the computer. It is an ancient character and its interpretation is currently unknown. , But we can analyze the meaning of the word from the structure of the word. First of all, we can see that outside the word is a walking side, representing movement, lightning and thunder, wind swept, dusty, dragons and phoenix dancing, deer running on the mountain, scenes It is very confusing. It can be interpreted as a very confusing meaning in the definition of pictograms. Of course, the above explanation only represents personal opinions and cannot represent authority. If there is a better interpretation, different suggestions can also be made.

2. 四个繁体字龍组成的汉字读zhé,64画,意为“唠唠叨叨,话多”。

The Chinese character composed of four traditional characters of dragon "lóng" is pronounced zhé, with 64 strokes, meaning "nagging, chattering".
笔画最多的字900000画 笔画最多的字256画读作zhe(四个龙)

3. 有56画,出自一种小吃biangbiang 面 / There are 56 strokes, from a kind of snack biangbiang noodles. Pronounced as ”biang2″

Biang Biang Mian (Biang Biang Noodles) | China Sichuan Food

4. 繁体字龍组成的汉字,共48画,读音dá,意思是群龙腾飞的样子

A character that is combined with total of 48 strokes in the traditional Chinese characters, pronounced dá, which means the appearance of dragons taking off.