Picture dictionary in Mandarin, English and Bahasa Indonesia / Kamus bergambar / 图画词典

Picture dictionary in Mandarin, English and Bahasa Indonesia in scanned pdf file, suitable for all ages. in 3 languages (Bahasa, English and Mandarin) Please click this link to download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_XHPNV8-QoUuVFk71i1TK0mYZTMjUULj/view?usp=sharing or smaller file (37 mb): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1H1tTcYUCHoAO3Dc4-34N-8CHCEqodDyE/view?usp=sharing in 2 languages (English and Mandarin): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_Y0SDf8UiADhDr1Uv9dvAlbKtHFz66tC/view?usp=sharing

The Great Wall 万里长城 [Wànlǐ chángchéng] and Map of China / 中国地图

Map of China is at below ! Source: https://www.chinadiscovery.com/great-wall/facts/how-long-is-the-great-wall-of-china.html Downloadable: https://www.china-mike.com/china-travel-tips/tourist-maps/china-provinces-map/ Others: China's Administrative Divisions 中国行政区划 4 Municipalities 直辖市 Beijing 北京 Chongqing 重庆 Shanghai 上海 Tianjin 天津 23 Provinces 省 Anhui 安徽 Fujian 福建 Gansu 甘肃 Guangdong 广东 Guizhou 贵州 Hainan 海南 Hebei 河北 Heilongjiang 黑龙江 Henan 河南 Hubei 湖北 Hunan 湖南 Jiangsu 江苏 Jiangxi … Continue reading The Great Wall 万里长城 [Wànlǐ chángchéng] and Map of China / 中国地图

The hanzi with the most stroke counts

最多笔画的汉字 = The hanzi with the most stroke counts Source : http://www.021diao.com/article/zui50376.html 高达172画的汉字 / Up to 172 strokes Chinese character. huáng 这个字读huang(第二声),它有172画,如上图所示,这个字是世界上笔画最多的字,由于该字比较少见,所以电脑打不出来,是一个古字,目前释义未知,不过我们可以从这个字的结构来分析这个字的含义,首先可以看到这个字外边是个走之旁,代表着运动,电闪雷鸣,大风席卷,尘土飞扬,龙飞凤舞,鹿在山上奔跑,场景十分混乱,在象形定义上可以释义为十分混乱的意思,当然上面的解释仅代表个人见解,不能代表权威,如有更好的释义解释,也可提出不同建议。 This character is pronounced huang (second tone). It has 172 strokes. As shown in the picture above, this character is the character with the most strokes in the world. Because this character is … Continue reading The hanzi with the most stroke counts