Grade 1 Meet 7_Quiz, review, coloring

Brainstorming Let us review what we have learned. Quiz: Note: The quiz, just need to be practiced, no need to submit, because when the students do this quiz, the result will be automatically recorded in the Google form itself. 同(tóng)学(xué)们(men),大(dà)家(jiā)好(hǎo)! (Dear students, hello everyone!) We will review about the combination of Consonant and Vowel … Continue reading Grade 1 Meet 7_Quiz, review, coloring


Mengubah tulisan menjadi calligraphy (To turn letter into calligraphy form) Bishun berwarna merah - sangat jelas (To turn the hanzi into bishun in red line) To convert the hanzi to tian zi ge, and so on: 汉语资料库: Convert Hanyu Pinyin to Zhuyin zi mu: Convert Chinese name into Passport mode name: … Continue reading USEFUL WEBSITES THAT HELP LEARNING IN MANDARIN

Grade 2 Meet 6. G2 Mandarin Quiz of Unit 1

大家好,早安 / Dàjiā hǎo, zǎo ān (Hello everyone, good morning) Today, We have the quiz “G2 Mandarin Quiz of Unit 1”. Please click this link to do: Procedure to do: Type your name and choose by clicking the grade level. Then click "Next". 2. In the Multiple Choice (10 Questions): Please choose the correct … Continue reading Grade 2 Meet 6. G2 Mandarin Quiz of Unit 1

Grade 4 Exercise about verb “wear” with clothing in Mandarin

大家好(dàjiāhǎo),午安(wǔān) Hello everyone, good afternoon! Note: Clothing (also known as clothes, apparel and attire)is items worn on the body. Clothing is typically made of fabrics or textiles but over timehas included garments made from animal skin or otherthin sheets of materials put together. Explanation : 《新华字典》中有明2113确的解释,在穿戴相关性5261上,穿是指“把衣服4102鞋袜等套在身上”,戴是指“加在头、面1653、颈、手等处”,即“穿”的是主要的、必需的,而“戴”的是次要的、装饰的,汉字的魅力在此可见一斑。 "Xinhua Dictionary" has a clear explanation of 2113. In terms of wearing (穿(chuān)) correlation 5261, wearing means "putting … Continue reading Grade 4 Exercise about verb “wear” with clothing in Mandarin

Grade 3 Radical of door (Continued)

Dear all, Good morning! 大家好, 早安! Today, we are learning about the continuous of meet 4. Please see this link to get answer for the assignment 1.4. Assignment 1.4 (2020年8月24日): Please find and write the Pinyin and English meaning of the hanzi related radical of door ( 门(mén)字(zì)框 )(kuāng), as below: The output of … Continue reading Grade 3 Radical of door (Continued)

Grade 4 Meet 5

大家好 (hello everyone)! 今天我们将会学习更多关于衣服的词语和歌曲。【Jīntiān wǒmen jiāng huì xuéxí gèng duō guānyú yīfú de cíyǔ hé gēqǔ.】= Today we will learn more words and songs about clothes. Please click this link for download the contents and assignment 1.4: Song: ž Explanation and conversation: ž


Materials 1. Explanation about tone marks: pdf: 2. TWO TONES COMBINATION TRAINING OF PRONUNCIATION IN MANDARIN: pdf: We always welcome the double joyfulness. When we speak, answer, reply the Mandarin (Chinese language) are usually in two syllables. Example: 你好、谢谢、再见、好了、可以、明天、喝水、休息、etc. As we know that one Pinyin (tone) is equal to one syllable, … Continue reading TWO TONES COMBINATION TRAINING OF PRONUNCIATION IN MANDARIN

二和两的差别 (The difference of “Liǎng” and “èr”)

Complete, see this pdf file: 二和两的差别 (The difference of “Liǎng” and “èr”) 一般用法:“两”和“二”用法的区别,粗线条的说,“两”用于基数,表示数目;“二”用于序数,表示顺序。如,“两次大战”,指发生在二十世纪的两次世界大战;“二次大战”,则指其中第二次世界大战。再如,“两路公共汽车”,指两条线路不同的公共汽车;而“二路公共汽车”,则指顺序号码为“2”的那路公共汽车。 General usage: the difference between the usage of “Liǎng” and “èr”, the thick line said, “Liǎng” is used for the base number, indicating the number; “èr” is used for the ordinal number, indicating the order. For example, "two times of wars" … Continue reading 二和两的差别 (The difference of “Liǎng” and “èr”)

Learn Pinyin in Software, suitable for PC or laptop.

用软件学拼音。 Dear all, Here is one application that can let Children learn the Pinyin by using application. The Application provide the pronunciation, let students to listen, and do practice in a animation format. The download link is: Download in the link above (in .rar) then extract it. At last, able to use it. or … Continue reading Learn Pinyin in Software, suitable for PC or laptop.

Traditional Chinese Character’s Bishun (繁体字线上笔顺)

Traditional Chinese Character's Bishun (繁体字线上笔顺) Although we are not learning in our school about the Fántǐ zì (traditional Chinese character), but we still can see their bishun / stroke orders because the Simplified Chinese Character is come from it. The app is very educative, because we can separate the parts of hanzi itself. Here is … Continue reading Traditional Chinese Character’s Bishun (繁体字线上笔顺)

For better pronunciation should listen more

“Learning without thinking is useless. Thinking without learning is dangerous.” ― Confucius, The Analects radio 子(zǐ)曰(yuē):“学(xué)而(ér)不(bù)思(sī)则(zé)罔(wǎng),思(sī)而(ér)不(bù)学(xué)则(zé)殆(dài)。” 蒙以养正,圣功也 【蒙以养正。圣功也。】这个世间最有意义、最大的功德是什么?“蒙以养正,圣功也”,最神圣的功业,就是孩子在童蒙时期,培养孩子的正知正见,最正确的做人、做事态度,他的纯真无邪的品性,他受益一生。这是帮一个家庭、一个国家培养了一个栋梁之才,这功德很大。一个为人父母者,他最大的功德,也是把他的孩子教好;一个老师的最大功德就是把学生教好。现在很多企业家有使命感,他能把员工教得有德行,那是功在国家社会。   本文来源弟子规公益网,欢迎转载,感恩! In English: What is the most meaningful and greatest merit in this world? "The most sacred achievement is to cultivate the right knowledge and right view, the most correct attitude of being a person and doing things, and his … Continue reading For better pronunciation should listen more

Grade 2 Meet 4

Dear all, 大(dà) 家(jiā) 好(hǎo) (Hello everyone) ! We are going to learn: Listening to explanation about how to do the assignment.Discuss about the new words in Pinyin and English meaning.recognize hanzi that looks quite alike.restructure the sentence in order. Let's see the Assignment 1.3, click this link to see: Example of answer: Part … Continue reading Grade 2 Meet 4