Hanzi in Picture (画中有汉字)

Besides learning hanzi/chinese character, We can appreciate the beauty in it. Here are some pictures that contains hanzi (can be in word and or sentence) ... 熊猫 【Xióng māo】= panda 蝴蝶【Hú dié】= butterfly 鸳鸯 [Yuān yāng] = mandarin duck 猫头鹰 [Māo tóu yīng] = owl 美丽的家乡 【Měi lì de jiā xiāng】= beautiful hometown 唐僧 [Táng … Continue reading Hanzi in Picture (画中有汉字)

象形字 / Xiàng xíng zì

Xiàng xíng zì is Pictographic chinese character. Pictographic means look like a picture or symbol. For the very first time, The chinese character was invented by Cāng jié (仓颉)by observing the things in his surroundings. Inventor of Xiàng xíng zì 仓颉,称苍颉,复姓侯刚,号史皇氏,轩辕黄帝史官,被后人尊为“造字圣人”。他所处的年代约为公元前26世纪,距今已有四、五千年。关于仓颉造字的历史故事,因为缺乏早期的文献记载,现在已被当作神话。仓颉造字的传说和遗迹遍布黄河中下游许多地方。 Pinyin : Cāngjié, chēng cāngjié, fùxìng hóu gāng, hào shǐ huáng shì, xuānyuán huángdì … Continue reading 象形字 / Xiàng xíng zì